Once a booking is marked as No Show, the availability is restored and the booking is no more shown on Bed View.
To mark booking as a Now Show, change its status to No Show.
> See here how to change reservation status
You can find all No Shows in the Bookings list, in the No Shows tab.

Moreover, you can make the system mark bookings as No Shows automatically. Navigate to Property Settings and Preferences.
In this case, the system will mark all not checked-in bookings as No Show automatically at the date change.
Important note - No Shows and Booking.com
If you synchronize with Booking.com, you can mark bookings as No Show in FrontDesk Master and the system will send this information directly to Booking.com. The booking will then be marked as No Show directly in your Booking.com Extranet. You don't have to perform any manual action on your Extranet. Since Booking.com receives this information directly from FrontDesk Master, you will not be charged the commission for No Shows bookings.
However, if you mark as No Show directly in Extranet, then the booking will be marked as cancelled in FrontDesk Master automatically.