There are two Take Payment windows in FrontDesk Master. The basic Take Payment and more detailed Take Payment & Invoice.

Take Payment

In this window you can make regular transactions. Simply enter the amount that guest pays in Pay Now line and decide if it should be assigned to cash box or credit card account

If you put bigger amount than balance due, the system will show you the change you should give to the guest (in all currencies you use).

You can add a description to the transaction, change the accounting date or add a surcharge (more information about surcharge here).

Take Payment & Invoice

You can switch to this window from basic Take Payment. It allows you to take payment or give refunds for selected nights only. Just select the nights on the left side and the amount to pay will appear here:

This window is very useful especially if you have integrated Primavera or FACT account to FrontDesk Master.

Decide which Take Payment will be your default window in Property Settings / General / Reservation Settings: