In Bookings List you can see there multiple lists of reservations and also the option to apply filters:

  • For Daily View, Check-Ins, Check-Outs and In-House you can choose one date.


For example, Check-Ins for 11 July 2022:

  • For Cancellations, No Shows, All Bookings and Booking Engine you can choose a period of time and if you want to look for reservations by Booking Date, Check-in Date or Modification Date.


For example, All Bookings, from 07 July 2022 to 11 July 2022, by Booking Date:

All lists can be exported to CSV file on click on the Export icon in the right top corner of the window:


If you need a list of guests with more details about them or reservation, go to Guests and Reservations reports / Guest List:

Using the filters and settings on the left side of the window, you can generate a list of all the information you need and export it to Excel: