Meal items are working separately from regular sale items: they have extra options and a separate Meals report. In this article, you will learn how to configure meal items in FrontDesk Master.

Crating meal items is very similar to creating regular sale items for POS. 

> Before getting started, make sure you have the necessary permission to the Meals feature. Go to permissions settings to activate it:

Head to Manager > Item Manager and choose the Sales tab. Click on the Add item button to create a new POS product.

In Edit sale window, add the meal name, select the category and color (optional) and enter the price. 

Next, check the Meal checkbox to use this sale item as a meal.

Additionally, you can set up:

- The time when the meal is available, e.g. Breakfast available from 7:00 until 10:00 and the time slots are every 60 minutes. It means that we can sell breakfast for 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 and 10:00.

- Maximum meals available - if you offer only a selected number of meals in one time slot, use this option to see in POS how many places are left.

Save the changes and your meal is now ready to use!