Point of Sale

How to use Point of Sale (POS)?
Point of Sale opens either from the top ribbon or from the reservation form. It gives you multiple options: - sell item anonymously  - sell item to th...
Tue, 12 Dec, 2023 at 11:05 AM
How to sell an item to staff member
From Point of Sale, it is possible to sell items to staff members with the same or different prices. Please see: Prices for Staff Members In order to s...
Mon, 16 Jan, 2023 at 9:34 AM
How to return a sold item?
To return a sold item, open the reservation window, go to Sales tab, choose the item from the list and click Return. Depending on the sale payments...
Tue, 12 Sep, 2023 at 11:02 AM
Where to enter inventory count?
There are two ways of entering inventory count: 1. You can enter the initial number in Property Management / Inventory Manager Note that t...
Wed, 17 Apr, 2019 at 2:22 PM
How to adjust sale item quantity or price?
When you have sold an item, and need to adjust the item price or quantity, open reservation and navigate to the Sales tab. Now, double-click on the sale, or...
Tue, 12 Sep, 2023 at 11:10 AM
How do I sell an item to a person without a reservation?
Besides selling items to your guests, you can make a sale from Point of Sale, which is not connected to any reservation in the system.  To sell an item ...
Thu, 14 Sep, 2023 at 10:40 AM
How to add a note to extra sale?
When selling extra items, you can add a note with additional information about the sale. It can include details about sold package, trip, meals and dietary ...
Thu, 14 Dec, 2023 at 12:27 PM
How to set up Meal items
Meal items are working separately from regular sale items: they have extra options and a separate Meals report. In this article, you will learn how to confi...
Wed, 10 Jul, 2024 at 9:43 AM
How to sell Meals in POS
Once you have configured your sale items as meals, you can sell them at the Point of Sale. Meal items can be sold to guests or without any reservation. ...
Wed, 10 Jul, 2024 at 10:01 AM