Synchronization with Booking Portals
Here you can find information about how our system synchronizes with booking portals.
If for some reason you want to sell your dorm rooms in more than one combination that it is possible after mapping the dorm rooms correctly, for example If...
Thu, 27 Mar, 2014 at 12:18 PM
When you set up your dorms in Extranet and ExpediaPartnerCentral, you should remember these portals are made initially not to sell "beds&q...
Fri, 24 Aug, 2018 at 7:01 AM
All the bookings comming automatically from the booking portals that you have synchronized should enter the system already with the informstion about the bo...
Fri, 11 Apr, 2014 at 6:40 PM
Please remember that bookings that appear in the Online Booking are waiting in a kind of a waiting room, they are not yet in the system. Only after they bec...
Thu, 17 Apr, 2014 at 3:10 PM
If you want to close the rooms only in the Extranet you can do it via HostelSystem xml settings. 1. Please enter Manage--> Online Portals a...
Tue, 2 Sep, 2014 at 3:08 PM
If you want to open the rooms on Expedia, go to MANAGE / ONLINE PORTALS / EXPEDIA / SYNCHRONIZE and follow run the synchronization according to instructions...
Thu, 2 Oct, 2014 at 7:41 AM
The lack of emails is the most probably cased by the lack of the email or incorrect email in your Hostel Details form. Please be so kind to enter Admin--&g...
Wed, 7 May, 2014 at 3:08 PM
Expedia is the ONLY portal which allows selling the same room with a different price to a different number of people.
It means that when HostelSystem up...
Fri, 16 May, 2014 at 10:45 PM
Expedia Before you will enable the the XML connection with Expedia please be so kind to check: 1. If the Maximum Occupancy option for dorm rooms is ...
Fri, 30 Jan, 2015 at 9:46 AM
If you want to add some restrictions on please go to Manage - Online Portals - - Synchronize
To set eac...
Wed, 5 Nov, 2014 at 4:32 PM